Gum Disease Treatment – Brookfield, WI

Creating a Healthy Home for Your Pearly Whites

Did you know that when it comes to your oral health, your gums are just as important as your teeth? After all, your gums provide the foundation that your teeth need to thrive. When plaque and tartar cause the gums to become infected, your teeth may be at risk of falling out! That’s why we urge you to call Bright Smiles Dentistry for prompt treatment if your gums are tender, swollen, or sore, or if they bleed easily when brushing and flossing. Our team can expertly tackle gum disease with safe, effective gum disease treatment in our Brookfield, WI dental office.

Man with healthy smile after gum disease treatment

Why Choose Bright Smiles Dentistry for Gum Disease Treatment?

  • Relaxing Nitrous Oxide Sedation Offered
  • Digital X-Rays Minimize Radiation Exposure
  • Evening & Saturday Dental Appointment Times Available

Scaling & Root Planing

Animated smile during scaling and root planing gum disease treatment

Also called a deep cleaning, scaling and root planing is considered the gold standard of gum disease treatment. Scaling entails breaking down plaque deposits along and beneath the gumline – places where your toothbrush and floss cannot reach. Then, with root planing, we smooth out the edges of your teeth’s roots. Not only does this promote faster healing by helping your gums reattach to your teeth, but it also makes it more difficult for bacteria to gather in the future, reducing the risk of reinfection.